How Negative SEO Has Impacts on Your Site and How AlphaIT Dedicated SEO Protects You

How Negative SEO Has Impacts on Your Site and How AlphaIT Dedicated SEO Protects You

Your website is your new office in the online world, and if you’re looking into SEO then you’re already familiar with that thrill you get from watching your site inching its way up the rankings in search engines. What if you don’t change anything and, suddenly, your rankings tank?

If the practice of negative SEO is insidious enough to thrive in the shadows, the effectiveness of the practice – its ability to cause real harm – and your awareness of the problem matter less than a simple fact: if negative SEO usurps your top search real estate or tarnishes your brand online, you could lose everything. And you won’t even know it until it’s too late.

However, be not worried. Find below the answer of how black SEO works and how to fight it back! Now what? If you thought your website was hit by a black-hat SEO expert, you probably will want to work on your protection. Don’t worry, this is what we’re here for. Read on to find out how AlphaIT can help protect your business from such malicious tactics.

What is Negative SEO?


The description below talks about negative SEO – activities carried out by a competitor, a jealous person or a cybercriminal to damage a website’s reputation and its ranking on search engines such as Google. Such tactics include:

Spammy backlinks: Acquiring low-quality links from the web that point to your own site in an attempt to trick search engines into penalizing your site for spam.

Scraped content: Copy and pasting your original work and using it on the web, including other sites, which confuses the search engines and could then lead to penalties from them.

Pseudo-Negative Reviews: Posting large quantities of negative reviews to damage your online reputation.

Hack your website: Insert malicious code or implant malware that can destabilize and poison your website.

Fake social signals: Using faked likes or shares or comments to manipulate your own social reports Fake comments: Using offshore auto-blogging bots (fake posters) to create fake news items that supposedly prove your worth.

So these actions go against the spirit of fair play and – much worse – strike at the heart of everything part of your SEO strategy. A site that performs well can be the target of the same type of negative attacks, and suffer from a radical drop in traffic, credibility and sales.


The Impact of Negative SEO


The effects of negative SEO can be devastating. Let’s break it down:


Brand Damage: One of the most immediate effects is a precipitous drop in your search rankings. If Google catches on to what you’re doing and penalises you for spammy performative activities such as link farms, that might be enough to throw your site into the immense search snows. In practice, this is often the difference between your site coming up first when someone searches for SEO Company Edmonton, and your site failing to rank at all and disappearing from potential customers’ line of sight. Brand damage.


Organic Traffic: Loss of traffic is usually one of the first consequences of being penalized. With each step down the rankings, you lose traffic. Traffic is the lifeblood of almost every website on the planet. At some point, once traffic flow slows, conversion and leads mean fewer sales, which invariably transl This can cripple a business that has been successful as a result of its ability to convert local search queries into conversions and leads (such as a would-be new client for a website design business in Edmonton).


Poor ratings: Fake negative reviews (or other social media signals) can destroy your reputation and trustworthiness with potential customers. Once potential users don’t trust your brand, they are unlikely to use your offering, whether it’s for website design in Edmonton or another service. And trust is hard to win back once you’ve lost it. 


Rising Bounce Rates: High bounce rates can be in evidence on a website that’s been hacked or consistently flagged as unsafe (for text- or ransomware, for instance). If your site is bombarded with malware warnings and slow to load, you’ll find users leaving in droves. The higher your bounce rates, the lower your rankings, in a vicious circle.


How AlphaIT Can Protect Your Website from Negative SEO


Negative SEO is a major risk for any business with a web presence. At Alpha IT we specialise in providing web-based solutions, including web design and search engine optimisation. We are dedicated to making sure your business is protected from untoward behavior from rivals as well as the trolls of the internet, cyber criminals and identity theft.


Here’s how we can help:

Regular Website Audits and Monitoring

Better to catch it in time. We run routine screenings to catch unusual activity on your site such as with a spammy backlink profile, strange organic traffic patterns or unexplainable ranking penalties. We utilize industry-leading tools to keep an eye on your SEO health, and intervene quickly if we see something that could cause you trouble.


Link Profile Clean-Up

If your website is targeted with any of those spammy backlinks, we’ll take care of removing or disavowing them. If the links cannot be removed, we will use Google’s Disavow Tool which informs Google about the links that you want to ignore. This can be a vital weapon for your business in Edmonton SEO, where your rank is at stake and every backlink matters to your’s chances of competing with others.


Content Protection

Using content scraping as a means of waging negative SEO is commonplace. In response, AlphaIT employs markers designed to shield your original content such as canonical tags that tell search engines the source of your work in case someone else voluntarily (or otherwise) lifts it. If credit ascribes a YouTube video to its original creator, then it stands to reason that Google’s spiders will afford you, and not the scrapers, control over your own content.


Online Reputation Management

In case your site is under attack with fake reviews, we deliver reputation management services to fight back these attacks. We can flag these fake reviews and brilliantly get authentic positive reviews from satisfied customers to clear your site.


Security Enhancements

We ensure that web security would never sabotage your SEO efforts and avoid search engines penalties. AlphaIT team puts in great effort to make your website secure. We regularly patch vulnerabilities, admin area locks, implement Firewall and scan for malware. We are committed to give the Agencies an ultimate solution to help their clients in ranking higher by securing their websites not only from SEO attacks but also from hacking and malware injections as well.



Bad SEO upon you is a stealthy way for which you will lose the battle for good SEO against your competitors but you shouldn't score own goals if you don't want to lose the game. By implementing some safety mechanisms listed above, you just won't become an easy target for your competitors, protecting your rankings, traffic and reputation from being destroyed. We all want to play fair so why we make it into our favour? At AlphaIT you will find professional SEO Edmonton and web design services that are tailored exclusively for your business needs. You will be happy to know that we can get your site optimized with new content and refresh the Google SERPs juice on your site and pages to boost them to the top.

Don a bad SEO destroy all of the hard work to date, confidently protect your site against negative SEO, with the digital alloy that strengthens your business: AlphaIT - we will secure that software towards SEO Edmonton, where watching the poll numbers rise makes certain tactics seem like ethical copycatting, but woe to he who thinks keeping score is beneath him.


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